◎研究方向 遥感影像智能解译、目标检测与模式识别、计算机视觉、深度学习。 ◎教育经历(倒序) 2019.09-2023.06 武汉大学博士(摄影测量与遥感) 2017.09-2019.06 武汉大学硕士(测绘工程) 2013.09-2017.06 kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)学士(地理信息科学) ◎工作经历(倒序) 2023.12-至今kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)kaiyun体育登录网页入口(测绘系) ◎协助指导研究生及博士后 2022级:张尧腾 2023级:王帅鹏 ◎承担项目 1. 国家自然科学面上基金,“基于深度学习和多视遥感影像的建筑物精确识别与三维建模”,2021-至今,在研,参与; 2. 部委(纵向),“****保障智能化应用系统总体技术”,2019-2021,参与; 3. 部委(纵向),“TZB总体与平台技术”,2020-2021,参与; ◎获奖情况 1. 2022年贵州省科技进步奖一等奖,排序8; 2. 2022年中国测绘科学技术奖二等奖,排序9; 3. 2021年地理信息科技进步奖二等奖两项,排序7和8; ◎论文 1. Shiqing Wei, Tao Zhang, Shunping Ji*, Muying Luo, Jianya Gong, BuildMapper: A Fully Learnable Framework for Vectorized Building Contour Extraction, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2022. 2. Shiqing Wei, Tao Zhang, Shunping Ji*, A concentric loop convolutional network for manual delineation level building boundary segmentation from remote sensing images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021. 3. Shiqing Wei, Shunping Ji*. Graph Convolutional Networks for the Automated Production of Building Vector Maps from Aerial Images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021. 4. Shiqing Wei, Shunping Ji*. Towards automatic building footprint extraction from aerial images using CNN and regularization. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020. (高被引) 5. Tao Zhang, Shiqing Wei, Shunping Ji*, E2EC: An End-to-End Contour-based Method for High-Quality High-Speed Instance Segmentation. CVPR2022. (CCFA) 6. Shunping Ji*, Shiqing Wei, Meng Lu. Fully Convolutional Networks for Multi-Source Building Extraction from An Open Aerial and Satellite Imagery Dataset, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018. (高被引) 7. Shunping Ji*, Shiqing Wei, Meng Lu. A scale robust convolutional neural network for automatic building extraction from aerial and satellite imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2018. (高被引) 8. 季顺平*,魏世清. 遥感影像建筑物提取的卷积神经元网络与开源数据集方法, 测绘学报, 48(4)., 2019.(易智瑞杯《测绘学报》优秀论文、2022年F5000论文) 9. Chi Zhang, Shiqing Wei (共一作),Shunping Ji*, Meng Lu. Detecting large-scale urban land cover changes from very high resolution remote sensing images using CNN based classification, ISRPS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019. (高被引) 10. Dawen Yu, Shunping Ji*, Jin Liu, Shiqing Wei. Automatic 3D building reconstruction from multi-view aerial images with deep learning. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. (高被引) ◎专利 1. 季顺平,魏世清.一种基于卷积神经网络和多边形规则化的建筑物轮廓自动提取算法,专利号201910136835.2. |